In this unprecedented situation, our first and foremost concern is the health and safety of the Salt community – our staff and the people we work closely with every day. Salt’s approach is to be responsive and informed by the health authority’ recommendations of each country we operate in and to act swiftly when required. We have put a global response plan in place, complying with each country’s recommendations.
The outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting all markets Salt, digital recruitment agencies operate in but we are trying to minimize the impact on our clients and candidates and wanted to reassure you that we are here to support you with any hiring needs or to help you with business continuity. Our teams are fully prepared to work from home/remotely and all systems we use on a daily basis are cloud-based, so we can access them remotely and are able to operate as normal throughout this time.
All of our efforts are focused on supporting you in having the right people to manage your business and we will do our utmost to facilitate this as easily and as safely as possible. Interviews and meetings will be conducted over the phone or via video call. We will continue all our search campaigns and have shifted our solutions to offsite and remote support.
Download Salt’s Full Response Plan here: