Jumping in or jumping out – it’s your choice!


Blog post by Jacqui Barratt, APAC CEO

There is one piece of advice I am forever giving candidates and have done consistently in my 25 years of recruitment. When you are making the decision to change jobs make sure you are excited about what you are jumping into, not what you are jumping out of.  There is a real difference.

When we are simply eager to get out of where we are we can make a poor decision because every opportunity starts to look good because you simply want to exit from where you are. The desire to move out clouds your judgement. You are so excited to get out, you don’t apply the same level of scrutiny to what is important to you. It’s why I say you need to be excited about what you are jumping into not what you are jumping from.

You may be happy where you are, you don’t hate it, it may simply be time to move, or the opportunity on offer takes you in a new direction or gives you a balance you didn’t think was possible. Whatever your drivers, just be clear on what they are. When you start considering a move, take a moment and identify the three most important criteria when choosing your next role. Use these criteria when evaluating options to ensure your needs are being met, your true needs not just the desire to get out.

I left a successful corporate career 14 years ago to start Salt and the key criteria I applied to make that decision still holds today.

I cannot stress this enough, jumping in or jumping out can ultimately make the difference between your next role being a success or not.  It’s your choice.

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