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Blog post by Brian White, Principal Consultant, New Zealand We’ve likely all been there at least once in our careers, where we fantasize about making a spectacular scene, walking away from the job, never to return, on to greener pastures where new opportunities welcome us with open arms and never look back. I have read…
Attending a job interview can be a daunting task especially if you have gaps in your employment history. Although having some gaps in your CV is understandable, they are sometimes seen as red flags to potential employers. There are many causes why someone has gaps in their employment history. Knowing how to address these gaps…
Which you should consider if you want the next promotion. In today’s uncertain economy, asking for a promotion ranks up as one of the most stressful experiences in your life as you’re putting yourself at risk and being vulnerable. It’s a nerve-racking ordeal as you need to prove to your boss that you’re ready and…
We’re sharing our top 10 LinkedIn tips on how to make sure your profile stands out to recruiters and Hiring Managers, whether you’re creating a new one or updating your existing profile! With over 400 million professionals on LinkedIn, across 200 different countries, LinkedIn is a fantastic tool when fully utilised. Plus, hiring professionals use…
Writing a CV can be frustrating. You know you could do the job you’re applying to, but how do you write a CV that convinces the Hiring Manager of that? There is a minefield of information out there about what you should and shouldn’t do, so much so that it can leave you even more…
Blog post by Brian White, Principal Consultant, New Zealand It’s not easy out there for junior creatives and recent graduates – there’s a lot of competition and many conflicting opinions out there on what to put on your CV. But here’s some tried and true that just might give you an edge. Remember some CV’s stand out…
Following on from our ‘How to land your dream UX role – Portfolio Workshop‘ we asked the UX Clicks team to provide some ideas on how to better sell yourself and your experience. No matter what stage in your career you are currently sitting in. Are you looking for a new role? Have you recently…
London has been seen as the ‘capital city of the world’ for centuries; leading in numerous industries, bring with it a great melting pot of nationalities. It has become a great base for many of the leading startups in the digital world, award-winning agencies and established global conglomerates. Match this with the excellent standard of…
Kelly Common, Managing Consultant for Salt, an award-winning technology recruitment agency in our New Zealand office provides some practical advice on how to make sure your digital protfolio is up to scratch. Whichever point of your career you may be at, your digital portfolio is your professional lifeline. As a physical realisation of your ingenuity,…
Considering a career change? Fancy living in a country where temperatures rarely drop below 20°C? Dubai has successfully transformed into a global city offering an abundance of new business opportunities, as well as becoming an attractive expat haven, due to being tax-free. There are countless reasons why Dubai is a fantastic place to relocate to, but…
 New year new you? Thinking about a change or a move? Kuala Lumpur has a lot to offer and we have created a guide to help you decide on or prepare for your move to this amazing city. A thriving economy, social diversity, quality of life and fantastic job opportunities make Kuala Lumpur (KL)…
New York City (NYC) is a city full of adventures and entertainment, ranging from TV shoots, cultural diversity to the world’s best restaurants and bars. Numerous prestigious agencies, companies and start-ups choose it as their base of operations in the USA. This mix of personal and professional opportunity makes NYC an attractive city to consider…
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