You get what you pay for…

You get what you pay for...

Blog post by Jacqui Barratt, APAC CEO

As an owner, CEO and a recruiter for the past 25 years, I understand salaries and I get the commercial realities of business on what the budget can deliver. I am not an advocate for getting into bidding wars and driving salaries above market; however, it’s about being fair and being realistic after all you will get what you pay for.

Too often in recruitment, we can see organisations who have drafted an incredible job description with a list of desirable skills, competencies, and experience, discussing how critical the role is to the business and then deliver a below market salary. Why?

I understand your budget is your budget and may not stretch to what the market is commanding so rather than hold out for that dream candidate who has everything and willing to work below market, why not consider what you can do.

Our role is to be your trusted advisor and guide you so let’s discuss the job description and consider what are the must-have skills and what’s the nice to have.  Ask what are you willing to have less or more of too open-up the option for talent in your budget?

Challenge your own thinking about years of experience and look at what someone has done in that time, have they had one year of experience repeated over 8 years or have they got 4 years of really, deep and varied experience across 4 years that would be of huge value?

Could you consider a part time or flexible working option to allow you to tap into great talent who may tick all your boxes but want to work 30 hours per week. There is a hugely untapped talent pool wanting more flexible work options who have brilliant skills but require some flexibility. 

Sometimes we shy away from these options as being too difficult to accommodate or worried that people will get bored. 

Believe me when I tell you I built my business 15 years ago providing flexible work options to secure the best talent and still to this day it’s part of who we are.  As a result, I can assure you, you get what you pay for.

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