I can’t think of an aspect of our lives that is not being affected by the advances in digital that surround us. Healthcare, automotive, government and the workplace are all evolving at a rate of change never known before.
But there is one area that is changing that I feel very personally attached to and happy about. Education. As the father of a 10-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy, I have watched them use iPads and gadgets from an incredibly young age. When I present to clients about our services and describe the digital age that we live in I use the example of my youngest child being able to communicate with me, for free (over using IP protocol), on a device that has no physical keypad, using a language that can be understood by everyone on earth (emoji) 🙂
When I attend their parents evenings I love seeing how much technology they are learning about. Here are some of the key things that are evolving in the education sector when it comes to digital:
1. Gamification, Personalized Learning, and Social Media
2. Blended Learning, Virtual Reality, and Mobile
3. Wearables, Augmented Reality, and 3D Printing
4. Mobile Learning, Training Digitalization, Flexible Learning
Any of these things as an individual topic is fascinating. As a blend of influences on how the next generations are learning, I find it to be mind blowing. Then finally think about how these things can benefit those who are traditionally thought of as “past it”. Older generations who might not have the time to attend classes to learn a new language. Imagine having a watch, or a pair of glasses that could translate everything you see and repeat it back to you in the language you are trying to learn.
It is an exciting time for young and old 🙂
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Author: Chris Redmond, Managing Director EMEA