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Salt, a global Digital Recruitment Agency hosted a #SaltSession Breakfast Briefing event last week for senior leaders in the banking and fintech world. Salt Commercial Director Mark Long led the session, and debated and discussed the future of banking and fintech with a curated panel of experts; James Binns (MD Global Head of Cross Product…
Join us for a panel discussion on International Women’s Day on the state and future of gender diversity in Malaysia. Studies have shown that leadership, talent diversity and inclusion give companies an edge when it comes to innovation and competitive advantage. Yet, despite a seemingly healthy diversity culture in Malaysia, in boardrooms and leadership teams…
At Salt, global Digital Recruitment Agency, we are using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey to help us better understand how we can deliver a great customer experience to our candidates and clients. Every month surveys are deployed and the feedback received is shared with the team to further help our development and to allow…
Salt, a global Digital Recruitment Agency is excited to announce its accreditation by APSCo (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies). APSCo is the regulatory body for recruitment businesses and as a member, Salt is monitored and regulated by APSCo’s guidance. All members commit to a strict Code of Conduct and pass an external quality check with…
Tis the season of goodwill and with that in mind we wanted to showcase some of the charities Salt support as part of our global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program and provide links for how you and or your company can also get involved. Â UKÂ One of the most enjoyable charity events the UK…
What do our Salties from around the world get up to on Christmas? Find out about some specific traditions in our office locations: UK: Crackers, Crowns, and Mid-Day Dinner Christmas dinner is a roast turkey, goose or chicken and trimmings with sides like pigs in blankets, parsnips, Yorkshire Puddings, and lots of gravy. On the festive…
This morning, the eager Salt, Digital Recruitment Agency, Singapore team rose at 6am to make to our Christmas CSR session with Willing Hearts – one of the largest ‘food-aid’ initiatives in Singapore. Willing Hearts is a remarkable enterprise wholly run by volunteers, apart from a handful of dedicated core staff. It operates a soup kitchen that…
Blog post by Elliot Dell, CEO In the summer of 2013, Salt UK was a small, local operation in London with c. 35 staff. Other recruiters in our niche market were already much bigger in headcount or global footprint. Our vision back then was simply to dominate digital – we wanted to show the market…
Last week our Sydney team set off for Bondi beach with a mission to make the beach and surrounding areas a little cleaner than they were before. When considering a Corporate Social Responsibility activity the Salt Australia team elected to work with Clean Up Australia and selected the Bondi location due to it’s high tourist population and…
Earlier in the week, 17 staff from Salt London headed to our local Ronald McDonald House to cook evening meals for the families that stay there. The charity provides accommodation for families with ill children to help keep them together and near the care and resources they need. This house was brand new with three…
The Hong Kong team undertook their first of many CSR activities! They went to Food Angel’s kitchen and helped the charity pack delicious food. Food Angel’s mission is: “WASTE NOT, HUNGER NOT, WITH LOVE.” Together, with other volunteers, the Hong Kong team packed around 1500 lunch boxes, which is an incredible success. 70% of the boxes…
A special Monday night for the Salt team when they joined hands with a group of volunteers at the PERTIWI mobile soup kitchen. This is just one of several community outreach projects run by PERTIWI, dedicated to providing food aid to the homeless and poor. A huge crowd gathered outside the feeding centre @Medan Tuanku,…
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