Cyber Security – Protecting our digital lives

On average, UK adults spend around 20.5 hours per week online. This is double the amount that was spent online in 2005 (Ofcom, 2015) which proves that nowadays we do everything via the World Wide Web – from playing, shopping, working to living!

Due to the increasing presence of the digital world in our lives, it is not surprising that the majority of crucial information about ourselves and companies are stored online and protected by a series of multi-digit passwords, fingerprints or similar. However, the sad truth is that it just needs one talented hacker and a few seconds to make all these security precautions meaningless and access every single piece of information. According to PWC’s “Information security breaches survey“ 90% of companies suffered from a security breach this year, while 11% of these companies were forced to change their business after the breach. The following 5-minute video, published by Deloitte UK, shows the severity and speed of a cyber attack.

The video also shows that despite the failure of passwords and fingerprints, there is a security strategy which is effective in protecting the data of companies and individuals and therefore combatting hacking attacks. Thanks to this security strategy – also known as Cyber Security (CS) or IT Security – it is possible to identify and combat real threats as well as to prevent possible future hacks from happening.

Considering the importance of Cyber Security in today’s world, it is understandable why the demand for CS specialists has been constantly increasing on the job market and more and more people are keen to pursue a career in this industry. Some specialist Cyber Security sectors, which are of particular interest for today’s businesses, include Data Security, Cryptography, Cloud Security and Intrusion Protection.

Due to the growing number of Cyber Security specialists, there are a couple of significant events which help recruitment agencies to connect and meet up with qualified graduates and candidates within the CS arena. One of UK’s best known events is the Cyber Security Expo, which takes place tomorrow, the 4th of November, in London. The Expo gives IT Security experts, working on a contract or permanent basis, the opportunity to network with Recruitment and Client Agencies. Our Head of CS, Kyri Antoniou, will also be present to discuss current job opportunities with you. For more information please call  +447551154122 or email

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Ofcom (2015). Adults‘ media use and attitudes. Ofcom. Available from: file://rav-nt01/folder%20redirection/rav-kgreller/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/2015_Adults_media_use_and_attitudes_report.pdf [Accessed 3 Novembre 2015].

PWC (2015). 2015 Information Security Breaches Survey. PWC. Available from: [Accessed 3 Novembre 2015].

DeloitteUK (2013). Cyber Security. Evolved. YouTube. Available from: [Accessed 3 Novembre 2015].

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Cyber Security  - Protecting our digital lives

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