The flexible workforce

Flexible workforce

Great contractors don’t just bring their skills, they can help you bridge your internal knowledge gap. Talk to the team at Salt about our contracting solutions.

Organisations have been working with flexible staffing solutions for years. Salt’s APAC CEO Jacqui Barratt shares her thoughts on the flexible workforce.

Businesses globally realise that to be competitive they need to be nimble and responsive to market dynamics. To do this, they choose to engage individuals who bring skills they need or don’t have within the business; when they need them and for a specific purpose. Obviously this doesn’t take away from organisations needing a permanent workforce. More often than not, it enhances and/or compliments the team you have!

Organisations choose to utilise flexible staff for a wide range of reasons:

  • Employee Demand. As employees, we are looking for greater work-life balance or flexibility. Companies have to respond to this to assist in employee retention as they still have a need to fulfil.
  • Special Projects. Allowing companies to tap into expertise that may not be readily available within the business.
  • Maternity Leave
  • Extra support during workflow peaks
  • Implementation of new systems
  • Cover as you seek a new permanent team member
  • Cover whilst permanent staff are undergoing training

And the list goes on.

Contractors are flexible, adaptable and can transition into new environments with ease and help you upskill your own permanent team. Change, as they say, is a constant and as individuals, we are being challenged to adapt and embrace change quicker than ever before. If you believe a contract solution could provide your business the advantage it needs, then talk to one of our Salt specialists.

Every organisation is reassessing their structure and workforce plan to respond to COVID-19. If you would like to talk to one of our specialists about the best approach and potential solutions,
visit our Employer page
to submit a short brief, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

To shape your future with Salt, a leading digital recruitment agency, send your CV to or use our search to find Technology jobs. You can also keep in the loop by following us on LinkedIn,  Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Flexible workforce

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