The ingredients to building a perfect Gingerbread House (office)

‘Tis the season for traditions like building alluring, sweet and fancifully decorated gingerbread houses. The ingredients are simple: You use gingerbread, frosting, and lots of candy for a personal, finishing touch. The result usually impresses and shows others how skilled and creative you are.

But what about business life? Is there a recipe that makes your office and work environment attractive, appealing and inviting for new talent?

We know there is a talent gap and especially Millenials are more concerned about their work environment and wellbeing than previous generations.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, but a well-thought-out office is flexible and allows space for both community and privacy with an integrated multi-function design.

While in the past, process and technology determined our office environments, today people are at the centre. Therefore, setting up your office in the right will lead to more engaged employees, reduces attrition, increases engagement and even productivity.

Our recipe for a ‘perfect’ office to entice top talent to join your business is:

  1. Delegate a space for relaxation
  2. Offer quiet spaces for private work without disruptions
  3. Clear office clutter and eliminate wires
  4. Invest in IOT and technology for more agile workplaces
  5. Create flexible and mobile solutions and allow people to work remotely and not at their desks
  6. Introduce activity-based work settings
  7. Make sure acoustics and lighting are minimising distractions and are creating a good environment
  8. Bring nature in with natural flora and wood for a cosy feeling
  9. Create community spaces for more interaction and collaboration
  10. Make the office convenient, with libraries, kitchens, fitness rooms, so people like to spend more time there

Follow this recipe from Salt, a global, award-winning Digital Recruitment Agency and it will be the best gift to your employees.

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The ingredients to building a perfect Gingerbread House (office)

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